News - what are the advantages of the impact crusher

what are the advantages of the impact crusher

The impact crusher is commonly used as a second medium crushing equipment . At present , with the use of series of counter breaking , the coarse breaking of the configuration of the sand production line can be used to replace the jaw crusher , and the medium crushing can be used to counter crusher so what are the advantages of impact crusher compared with other crushing equipment?

1  Able to handle materials with large moisture content

2 Wear of wearing parts is smaller than hammer crusher. The metal utilization rate of the plate hammer of the impact crusher can be as high as 45-48%

3 Easy Maintenace and repair operation

4 The discharge particle size adjustment is convenient and flexible . The impact crusher can adjust the discharge particle size by adjusting the rotor speed, adjusting the gap between the impact plate and the grinding chamber

5 Wide range of hardness . The impact crusher can not only break the material with low hardness , but also complete the crushing of iron ore , sandstone , gypsum , coal gangue , block coal and other medium hard ores

Post time: Jun-20-2023